More info gathered on the Tuesday night NL Hold'em Tournament at Creek Nation-Okemah Casino. The 7:00pm event this week had 76 participants (very crowded as they only have 6 tables available). I expect them to add more tables very soon to accomodate the growing interest.
With this many people playing they are now paying the top five places. Your $20 buy-in gets you $1000 in chips. You can re-buy but only in the first 15 minutes of play. Blinds begin at $25/50 and increase every 15 minutes. You either have to be very aggressive or catch some good hands early to avoid being blinded out.
The reason for the high blinds/quick increases is that they have another tournament that begins at 9:00pm with a $10 buy-in and the first tournament has to be done before the second can begin because of limited space. As I told the table games manager: "If this keeps up, you're going to need to build on to this place".
The daily cash games haven't picked up that much yet. But if the success of the tournaments is any indication, they should be shortly. If you are nearby and want to play, you can call-in and leave your number and they will call you when enough people get there to open a table. With the price of gas, it's a benefit for me having a 40 mile round trip from the house. Why burn $5 in gas and not find a game. When I can burn the $5 and go to Okmulgee and almost always get in one.
I haven't heard if they are going to have another free-roll for women yet, but will update you as soon as I find out.
I plan to play in one of the tourney's as soon as I find someone to run the dart tournament for me on Tuesdays. I may see if someone will fill in this week and let me make the cruise over there and kick some ass!