Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Poker Players in Peril

The government is cracking down on online poker sites. Neteller executives have been arrested and forced to shut down their US operations; meanwhile, around ninety million dollars of US users funds are frozen and cannot be returned to their rightful owners. Linking online poker to an outdated law on placing wagers over phone lines is crazy. The law was instituted to curtail the activities of bookies who were taking bets on sporting events. Alot of these bookies were unscrupulous and ran off with their clients winnings. The bigger fish, who had mob ties, were very harsh in their collection methods. These people still exist out there today and you very rarely here of one of them being punished for their illeagal activities that the law was intended for in the first place. Now that law has been applied to online poker sites and expanded to include people who facilitate the fund transfers from the players to the poker sites and back (money laundering?....lol). What's next, a total prohibition on gambling, like we had on liquor in the '20s? There are more than 20 million poker players in the US and they need to join together to fight the injustice that is being carried out by the government. Regulate online poker sites, yes. Prohibit them, NO!

Luckily there is a group fighting for your rights as poker players. They are lobbying congress and working to get legislation passed that will favor the poker player. You can join them and add your name to the list of poker players who are mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.

Visit Poker Players Alliance and fight for your right to play!


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